Build Insane Triceps By Doing Skull Crushers - Laz - Tymoff

Build Insane Triceps By Doing Skull Crushers – Laz – Tymoff

Many people think triceps are hard to train, whereas many others believe that tricep muscles are the easiest to build. It completely depends on the approach you follow towards muscle building.

If you are a fitness freak then you must know the powerhouse impact of skull crushers on triceps. Since skull crushers involve a larger muscle mass area of your triceps, it makes it easy to form shape.

Build Insane Triceps By Doing Skull Crushers – Laz – Tymoff also indicates the impact of this exercise. So next time you are training your tricep muscles, make sure to include skull crushers in your regular sets.

Build Insane Triceps By Doing Skull Crushers – Laz – Tymoff Explained

Skull Crushers is one of the most effective exercises when it comes to tricep muscle building. If you spend hours in the gym and do not see any progress in your tricep growth, then you need to work on your form.

Skull crushers are easy yet require a particular form to get optimum results. If you are a newbie and want to learn the right technique or wish to correct your form, then here are the tips for you.

Also, read Self-Control is Strength. Calmness is Mastery. You – Tymoff

Equipment Required:

For doing skull crushers you just need these 2-3 basic equipment and you are good to go:

  1. Bench 
  2. EZ-grip bar/fixed bar/Straight Barbell
  3. Weight Plates

Learn The Position:

For any exercise to be performed learning the right form is very important, otherwise, you won’t see effective results even after hard sweating.

  1. Lay down on the bench with your body relaxed and firm, feet firmly touching the floor, and shoulders aligned apart.
  2. Grip the EZ-grip bar or straight barbell with your palms facing upwards with a minimal weight that allows you to go from 8-10 repetitions. 
  3. Extend your arms right above your shoulder length.

Learn The Movement:

Now that you know how to start, it’s important to learn the right movement that you should be performing while doing skull crushers.

  1. Start lowering your hands towards your forehead with only your lower arms, keeping the upper arms stationary throughout the movement. Your forehead should be perpendicular to the floor and your elbows should be firmly kept close.
  2. You can now feel the tension building up in your triceps as you approach your hands toward your forehead. But remember to keep the barbell an inch or two away from hitting your head to ensure control.
  3. Now you have to come back to the extended hand position straight to your shoulder length. This will engage the maximum of your tricep muscles.
  4. Hold this position for a few seconds and repeat 8-10 reps minimum.
  5. Keep increasing weight with time and push to your maximum potential.
  6. Keep your motions controlled, your elbows firm, and your core engaged for the best results.

Bravo! You did it. See it’s not that hard. Remember you need not rush the process, just feel the muscles expanding and stretching while you perform skull crushers.

To spice up your tricep training, you can also add variations to your regular skull crushers.


Make sure to eat enough protein and give your body time for recovery. Also, it’s guided to train under expert supervision to avoid wear and tear. 

Build Insane Triceps By Doing Skull Crushers – Laz-Tymoff surely stands out to be the best motivation to add to your gyming routine.

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